Tuesday 19 April 2011

Kellies Castle | Batu Gajah

These pictures were taken at Kellies Castle, Batu Gajah. I went there with my friend, Adam for an assignment. I really really love this place because we can see a good scenery from the top. Unfortunately, my lecturer said I did a wrong task because it didn't match with my pictures. haha. nevermind. i dont care, i love all of my pictures so i decided to post them :)

Limau Bali | Tambun

mak cik ni kerek ah.

Sequence of Nan Cheese | Salam Corner | Sri Iskandar, Perak

Salam corner's nan cheese makes me wanna say "ahhh" :P

Pembuatan Kasut Manik | Melaka | 2011

I love melaka! Went to melaka with my friend, Topek since he is originally from melaka. ehehe. He brought me to Jonker Walk and it was such a nice place. There were a lot of shops and interesting people. I took these pictures for my assignment called "photo essay" i love all of these shoes because i never saw the "real" ones before. However, the prices for these shoes were really expensive and i couldnt afford any of them.